Indigenous Courtwork
Indigenous Courtwork Program
All Regions
All Locations
Need help in court?
NCSA has Courtworkers in Court Houses across Alberta, are free of charge and can help Indigenous people with:
- Criminal Court
- Family Court
- Youth Court
NCSA Courtworkers:
- Explain charges and court procedure
- Can speak for clients in Court
- Give info on bail, adjournment, pleas, and sentencing (Criminal)
- Give info on Children's Services investigations, Court Orders, Circle Processes (Family)
- Youth Justice Committees and Extra Judicial Sanctions
- Help with forms
- Provide information on Legal Aid and Lawyers
- Help clients understand court conditions and agreements
Make referrals to programs:
- Treatment Centres
- Parenting Programs
- Life Skills
- Education
- Employment
Client Responsibilites:
- Give Courtworker all information
- Show up to Court on time
- Show up to Appointments on time
- Follow through on Court Conditions
- Stay in contact with Courtworker